950 Beaumont and Espace C2, recognized by the AAPPQ

Two Sid Lee Architecture projects were recently selected among the 25 best projects of the year according to the Association of Architects in Private Practice of Quebec: 950 Beaumont and Espace C2.
The projects were published in the AAPPQ’s 2018 Reference Manual. With the theme of Architecture, a reflection of our society, the 2018 edition presents 25 architectural projects that demonstrate the importance of architectural quality to respond to the challenges of our society.
About Espace C2
Espace C2 is a prototype conference centre that crowns the Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth hotel’s business campus. The elevated structure, which stands above the rooftop of the hotel, was designed as a beacon, a visible signal that pays homage to the city’s creativity and potential. Sitting atop it all, Espace C2 offers views of the McGill axis and Montreal skyline. It is poised to become a breeding ground for the sharing and interchange of knowledge and ideas.
About 950 Beaumont
The 950 Beaumont project involved the conversion of an industrial building into leasable spaces. Located at the intersection of Outremont, Town of Mount Royal and Park Extension, the site was a former household gas storage facility. It once belonged to Gazomètre Beaumont, a 175 x 175 ft. gasometer that contained and supplied coal gas from the borough of LaSalle.