950 Beaumont


The 950 Beaumont project involved the conversion of an industrial building into leasable spaces. Located at the intersection of Outremont, Town of Mount Royal and Park Extension, the site was a former household gas storage facility. It once belonged to Gazomètre Beaumont, a 175 x 175 ft. gasometer that contained and supplied coal gas from the borough of LaSalle. Following the Quebec National Gas Corporation’s installation of natural gas lines on the Island of Montreal in 1958, the industrial-age relic was demolished.

In collaboration with the Park Extension Historical Society, the historical elements of 950 Beaumont were highlighted, studied and brought back architecturally to the base building envelope and signage. Added on during the renovation process, the third floor sits atop the current building and is punctuated with an angular profile inspired by the gasometer’s silhouette. Meanwhile, the entrance hall articulates, and invites visitors to learn about, the history of the site. In short, the 950 Beaumont project is part of the efforts to continue the development and requalification of the area.

CLIENT : Montoni

SPAN : 120,000 sq. ft.

LOCATION : Montreal, Quebec

DATE : 2017

STATUS : Completed